When it comes to optimizing productivity and workforce planning, most businesses can use an additional set of hands to undertake larger projects or complete those in progress. Digital roots tech provide complete solutions from Design, Develop, Managed Services and Support of your company software projects
IT and Software Support skills:
Mobile app development has never been easier before our dynamic team specializes in.
- Languages: Kotlin, Java, C++, C#, XM
- Architecture:MVVM, MVC, MV
- Dependency Injection (Hilt)
- Database (Room, SQL Lite, Firebase)
- Database Migration
- Migration Testing
- Data & View binding
- All Data Structures
- All layouts, Custom Layouts, Home Screen Widgets (with config screen)
- Threading (all kind of Async & Sync) in both java & Kotlin
- Sensors
- Broadcast
- Firebase SDK Dynamic linking
- I-frame Player API
- Spotify SDK
- App Actions
- localization
- InAppRating
- Billing
- ForceUpdate
- jitpackio libs
- File Managment(in SDK and NDK)
- Socket Programming, TCP & UDP
- Volley, Retrofit, Ktor, Json, Gson and xml parsing
- scrapping
- Google Drive API
- OAuth2.0
- Youtube API
- Youtube Player API